This second version of ViewPoint has almost 15,000 camera and lens profile combinations included in its DxO Optics Modules, letting you automatically apply optical corrections based on your specific equipment. It also adds an 8-point mode allowing you to correct the perspective of multiple planes in the same image, along with a "natural" setting to adjust the intensity of your corrections. ViewPoint 2 provides a loupe tool so you can precisely place your anchor points, and slider controls allow you to precisely adjust the corrections. When using ViewPoint 2, anchor points are placed on parts of an image that should be straightened or be on the same level.
It works especially well with photos taken with wide-angle lenses, which usually have distorted edges.
#Dxo perspective software#
If you shift the subject a lot, a large part of the image will look soft.ViewPoint 2 from DXO is a photo editing software package that allows you to correct distortion, perspective, and deformed proportions along the edges of your photos easily. I tend not to make drastic corrections because they have a negative effect on image quality. You can also perform vertical and horizontal perspective corrections as per this article. You’ll see “batch successfully completed” in another window.
#Dxo perspective pro#
Paintshop Pro has a good perspective tool that is akin to perspective cropping in Photoshop. Sometimes it’s necessary to correct perspective manually, but the auto function saves a lot of time. The latter offers automatic corrections, so I no longer have to place anchor points on each image. It’s a little controversial that DxO makes you pay extra for perspective correction, but maybe that modular system helps keep the entry price down.Ī short time ago, I upgraded from ViewPoint 1 to ViewPoint 3. The auto controls in ViewPoint 3 have fixed it, making it look like I shot the Art Nouveau sign from directly in front.ĭxO Viewpoint also blends seamlessly into DxO PhotoLab as a module. I shot this from below, so there was keystoning in the original image. That edition introduced the Lens Correction tool. Using Adobe software to correct perspectiveĬorrecting perspective has been possible in Photoshop for a long time, but it became easier from CS2 onwards. You’d normally use a tripod with such a lens.
#Dxo perspective full#
A tilt-shift lens maintains image quality and full resolution. These factors are serious if you’re a pro photographer creating architectural photos for commercial clients.
And because the image is cropped, you lose WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) predictability when taking photos.